Gut leben mit Hochbegabung!


Gifted Youth on their road to success!

The Brausewetter Institute for talent development in teaching and learning helps multipliers to facilitate the process of finding individually suitable career options for gifted young people!

The Brausewetter Institute for talent development in teaching and learning therefore

  • offers information on individual (career) planning for gifted young people,
  • offers workshops for teachers and other professionals on how to deal with giftedness at the adolescent age,
  • offers qualification of multipliers as ProfilPASS-consultants,
  • presents at conferences and venues,
  • offers validation of educators´ competences in adult and continuing education (with a focus on talent and giftedness). The validation is on behalf of the German Institute for Adult Education in Bonn.

The Brausewetter Institute for talent development in teaching and learning loves to network with people from other countries to learn from their experiences, to get to know their educational system and their culture and to share best practice for the sake of gifted young people!

For information about me, Kerstin Brausewetter, see my account on LinkedIn!

The Brausewetter Institute for talent development in teaching and learning is an authorized European Talent Point!
